Root Cause Analysis and Failure Modes & Effects Analysis training by Sologic provides the tools, skills, and knowledge necessary to solve complex problems and manage risk in any sector, within any discipline, and of any scale.
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Sologic’s cloud-based Causelink has the right software product for you and your organization. Choose from Individual, Team, or Enterprise.
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A client recently professed to me that the main struggle his organization is experiencing with regards to their root cause analysis program is that their Sologic-trained Facilitators have experienced what he referred to as “RCA skill erosion”. They became too busy to perform many RCAs, and too much time had passed since their last one. Like an unsharpened chef’s knife, their RCA skills became dull and they were struggling to work through RCAs they were now trying to complete. 

This is a situation I’m seeing more often since the recession hit - most companies have downsized significantly and passed more responsibility to the remaining employees. The priority has shifted from learning from mistakes and preventing incidents, to simply getting things back online and moving on. Everyone is overloaded with work, and management is no longer mandating effective RCA.

So how can this situation be prevented?

The most effective way to prevent RCA skill erosion is to plan ahead. Before you train your people in any RCA methodology, have a structured plan for how and when they will be expected to use the process. We recommend that each trained employee conduct an RCA within two weeks of finishing class. Ideally, each person entering class will already have an assigned RCA that they are expected to complete immediately after class.  If that isn’t possible, we recommend choosing a relatively small and simple problem. Some also find it useful to have facilitators work in pairs. This will help build confidence and reinforce the training you have invested in. 

An alternative option is to schedule an additional day immediately following the training class, which is dedicated to working current problems within your organization.  This not only builds facilitator skills, it immediately delivers solutions that create a return on the training investment (client data indicates the average RCA saves over $25k/yr!).

Another way to prevent skill erosion is to set formal threshold criteria that clarifies when an RCA is required.  Create a rotation of facilitators so that the work is evenly distributed and each person has opportunities to grow their skills. Don’t be afraid to have your team work RCAs in different functional areas, or to act as participants in RCAs being facilitated by their peers.

Sologic offers a number of ways to help keep your RCA skills fresh:

  • Free webinars – visit our webinars page for a current list of topics and to register.
  • Online training – this is great for people new to RCA, or those who want to refresh their skills: Learn more on our eRCA Fundamentals page.
  • Sologic mentor program – a low-cost way to leverage Sologic expertise for help with investigations or to answer RCA-related questions.  Learn more and submit your request on the 1-on-1 RCA Mentoring page.

In addition, Causelink Enterprise software can be used to manage RCAs, track open actions, identify solutions, and spot systemic causes.
Causelink RCA overview page

What To Do Once RCA Skill Erosion Has Begun

0-3 Months Since Training/Last RCA Completed

Don’t stress just yet, but make sure to schedule an RCA as soon as possible to prevent the erosion of your skills. Review the sections in your Level 1: Facilitator training manual that you need to brush up on. At a minimum, I suggest the chapter on Cause and Effect Analysis. 

3-6 Months Since Training/ Last RCA Completed

Again, try and complete an RCA as soon as possible.  If you struggle facilitating the RCA, or feel like you need a refresher beforehand, Sologic can help with 1-on-1 mentoring. 

6+ Months Since Training/ Last RCA Completed

Consider on-on-one mentoring, or even using our online course, eRCA Fundamentals, as a refresher. If it’s been over a year since you went through training, consider attending class again. Ask your account manager if your organization has any on-site classes planned, or attend one of our public RCA courses.

Learn more about Sologic RCA

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Root Cause Analysis and Failure Modes & Effects Analysis training by Sologic provides the tools, skills, and knowledge necessary to solve complex problems and manage risk in any sector, within any discipline, and of any scale.
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Sologic’s cloud-based Causelink has the right software product for you and your organization. Choose from Individual, Team, or Enterprise.
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