Root Cause Analysis training by Sologic provides the tools, skills, and knowledge necessary to solve complex problems in any sector, within any discipline, and of any scale.
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Sologic’s Causelink has the right software product for you and your organization. Single users may choose to install the software locally or utilize the cloud.  Our flagship Enterprise-scale software is delivered On Premise or as SaaS in the cloud.
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I’ve been involved in Root Cause Analysis software development for many of the past 15 years.  A big part of my job at Sologic, and one of my favorite parts, is to talk with end users and listen to their requests for new features.  Over the years, I’ve been asked to incorporate an incident timeline into Causelink software.  This is partly due to the fact that an incident timeline is discussed during RCA classes as a way to facilitate cause and effect charting.  Creating a linear timeline is a great first step in defining the multiple causes of a problem.  I’ve found that many of our users currently create a timeline in another program and add it into Causelink as an attachment.  After hearing this feedback, it was obvious that this was a feature we should support.  Therefore, I’m pleased to announce the release of Causelink Incident Timeline Beta!  

Incident timeline screenshot

The Incident Timeline Beta is included in our standard Causelink Enterprise/SaaS package and that’s how we intend to deliver the production version.  This new, browser-based feature is a result of focus groups that were held with customers and RCA practitioners in 2015.  During those sessions we learned that not only should the timeline be interactive and support the editing of details for each event, but there should also be a way to add these events as causes on the cause and effect chart.  We also learned how the timeline fits into user workflow during an incident investigation, knowledge which helped in making decisions about navigation and user interaction.

These focus group findings were incorporated into the Incident Timeline Beta.  Released to a select group of Beta testers on September 8th and 9th, we are already getting great feedback about how the timeline should be displayed on the screen, printed to PDF, and how closely linked events should be with the causes on the chart.  Beta testers will have access to the system for 10 days, after which we will consolidate their comments and plan for the next iteration.  

We anticipate this major new feature will benefit our user base by making it easier to create a timeline, storing the data in one central location, and providing a great way to share Incident findings with their team.  Look for the Beta 2 release in November 2016 and the production release within Causelink Enterprise/SaaS in early 2017.  

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Root Cause Analysis training by Sologic provides the tools, skills, and knowledge necessary to solve complex problems in any sector, within any discipline, and of any scale.
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Sologic’s Causelink has the right software product for you and your organization. Single users may choose to install the software locally or utilize the cloud.  Our flagship Enterprise-scale software is delivered On Premise or as SaaS in the cloud.
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